InWeeds & WildflowersbyEllie JacobsonCoping with the Ever-Changing LandscapeA week in photos: July 7–13, 2022Jul 19, 202211Jul 19, 202211
InWeeds & WildflowersbyEllie JacobsonFinding A Summer RhythmA week in photos: June 2–8, 2022Jun 11, 202213Jun 11, 202213
InWeeds & WildflowersbyEllie JacobsonA Stormy (and Bloody) Start to a Beautiful WeekMy week in photos: May 8–14, 2022May 20, 202224May 20, 202224
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonFacing the Sweet SunshinePhoto essay for the week August 23–29, 2021Aug 30, 20217Aug 30, 20217
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonThe Grass is Greener After RainPhoto essay for the first week in SeptemberSep 10, 20214Sep 10, 20214
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonShh. . .I’m ReadingMy week in photos September 9–15, 2021Sep 17, 202114Sep 17, 202114
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonThe Last Hurrah of SummerMy week in photos September 16–22, 2021Sep 24, 202111Sep 24, 202111
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonA Little Piece of FallMy week in photos September 23–30, 2021Sep 30, 20217Sep 30, 20217
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonA Fall StaycationMy week in photos October 1–7, 2021Oct 8, 20217Oct 8, 20217
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonThe Power of Conversation on Fall WalksMy week in photos: Second week in OctoberOct 16, 20219Oct 16, 20219
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonA Magical Week of Remembrance and Making New MemoriesMy week in photos: The third week in October 2021Oct 25, 20216Oct 25, 20216
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonA Sweet Ending to the MonthMy week in photos: The last week in OctoberNov 3, 20219Nov 3, 20219
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonWait, What You Must Be Joking? It’s Been Two Weeks?Two weeks in photos: November 1–13, 2021Nov 20, 202111Nov 20, 202111
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonGetting Caught Up on Photo-a-Day ChallengeNovember 23–29, 2021Dec 3, 20217Dec 3, 20217
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonCountdown to Christmas ActivatedThe week of November 30-December 6, 2021Dec 8, 202111Dec 8, 202111
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonA Winter Wonderland During Finals WeekThe week of December 7–13, 2021Dec 17, 202110Dec 17, 202110
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonA Stunning Sunrise Shines Between a Date Day, Cuddles & Wrapping GiftsPhotos from the week of December 14–20Dec 23, 20219Dec 23, 20219
InSNAPSHOTSbyEllie JacobsonMaking a Mess of ChristmasPhotos from the week of December 21–27, 2021Dec 28, 202118Dec 28, 202118