Get Your Write On: Setting Yourself Up for NaNoWriMo Success

Ellie Jacobson
5 min readOct 22, 2020

How to prepare for a month of intense writing

I must admit the NaNoWriMo challenge of writing 50,000 words feels daunting. Let’s explore ways to set yourself up for success when approaching a hefty writing challenge like this one.

I decided to go to my husband for accountability. I needed to write for a few hours before I start my part-time “day job” which is a set schedule Monday-Friday. To be a productive writer, I needed a few hours of uninterrupted, quiet hours. My problem? I’m not a morning person. I resented my alarm clock. I don’t like to be told what to do, even by a piece of electronics. I mean I wasn’t sleeping until noon each day, but I needed to wake up before the sun. I tried repeatedly to get up on my own. I would literally, while half asleep, change my alarm time in the middle of the night to a later time.

My husband asked what he could do to help. “Want me to yell at you to get up like a drill sergeant.” Um no. I told him, “I need a reward.” What popped into my head you ask? Donuts. Not just regular donuts but what I call designer specialty donuts, from MoJo Monkey Donuts. I told him after I get up early 3 weeks in a row, I want a dozen donuts. And did it help? I’m getting up with the roosters each morning, writing about 1200 words before work. Set yourself up with a reward



Ellie Jacobson

Editor at Flash Fiction Magazine & Intrepidus Ink | Flint & Steel editor | MFA candidate working on first novel | mom to 2 kitties, 2 teenage sons & many cats