Didn’t Win The Writing Challenge NaNoWriMo? Me Neither

Ellie Jacobson
2 min readDec 3, 2020

Keep The Writing Competition Spirit Going

Photo by Hannah Olinger on Unsplash

I refuse to use the word “loser.” We are non-winners.

Feeling a little disappointed in yourself? Don’t like to lose and see all the posts from your writing friends saying they did it or wrote 100,000 words this year?

Well I feel ya, I didn’t win either. Normally as a competitive person, I would be disappointed in myself. I like to complete my goals. No excuses.

But that thing, life, got in the way. An unexpected death of a friend. I was sick for a few days, wondering it was Covid (negative test thankfully) and then another death. I decided my mental health was more important during Thanksgiving than stressing over anything else.

The point of NaNo is to establish a writing habit, to understand how much we can write when we set our minds to a daily goal. And did you know you can set up a new project at the NaNo website? You don’t have to wait for another camp or NaNo event. I like having an accountability goal and tracker. So I set up a December challenge for myself by going to the “Projects” page and then “Announce your Project.” Pick how many words you want to write in a certain time frame.

So continue on my writing friends. Writing every day. Getting those messy words out. Editing…



Ellie Jacobson

Editor at Flash Fiction Magazine & Intrepidus Ink | Flint & Steel editor | MFA candidate working on first novel | mom to 2 kitties, 2 teenage sons & many cats